To give my students and I a break from music rudiments, I assign them music reports. They are a great way to give students a deeper understanding of the music they are working on and to let them explore areas of special interest. I used to just ask them to research the composers of the pieces they are working on. Now, I've been getting a bit more creative.

Below are some of the topics my students have been researching:
the story behind a song that they like (this was particularly fun with Christmas songs)
information about the style or form of the music they are studying
composer reports
album reviews
concert reviews
performer reports
music instrument profiles
Some have created some lovely poster boards.
My latest twist has been to tie music to another activity. For instance, two of my students study Aikido. Last week, I asked them to research five points about the samurai Musashi and his concept of rhythm-timing. Another is plays competitive soccer. She's going to research some information about some of the World Cup songs.
I've got a few more ideas up my sleeve. I am thinking of asking them to research music careers, music genres and local musicians.